Sunday, 14 July 2013

4 Techniques To Resist Seduction

Seduction is a conquest of the mind, engaging the mind, will and emotions of another and getting them to do what they never intended to do. It has a characteristic of being slow, devious and cunning to the extent that the seduced might never get to realize what is happening until it is very late and the hands are tied. As a result of its diabolic nature, it has resulted in scandalous tidings about a number of highly placed individuals, it is a potent weapon in the arsenal of the women folk and political leaders, it could also be employed by the male folk also, but, irregardless of whoever is involved, seduction can be fended.
It is said that the happy and independent individual can almost not be seduced, this is partly true, but the most important skill of resistance is
Having focus: A focused individual who knows what is at stake and what is to be achieved can almost not be seduced, the reason for this is that energy that could have been directed to frivolities is effectively channeled into productive ventures, unfocused individuals rarely have exerting goals so they can be easily be swayed by whatever is thrown at them. Having a resolute unflinching zeal helps to keep the mind occupied, hence, it prevents the mind from being re-engaged in some other distracting enterprise.
Questioning every motive: Seduction is a contest involving an individual against another or against a group of people: because of this, anyone who could be a prime target of seduction should cultivate the habit of not taking everything at face value, a well trained intuitive perception would read hidden meanings to off hand remarks, chance meetings, facial expressions and gift items. Inasmuch as one is not expected to go paranoid, a fail safe way to protect oneself is to subconsciously read in between the lines in the course of interacting with people, it helps the mind to come up with countermeasures before it gets engaged with deflecting thoughts.
Keeping the right company: Every one has weaknesses, and one of the skills of seasoned seducers is to sniff out the weaknesses of others and open up that breach as much as possible, an effective way to know what makes a target tick is by finding out from close confidants or better still, make use of close associates to achieve foxy ends. A lot is dependent on the company one keeps, as much as possible, it is very crucial to relate more with mature and experienced folks who can help out with sound judgments when the allurements begin.
Praying: The art of reverently petitioning a deity is very important in resisting seduction. Humans are creatures of habit, the fallen nature has a propensity to err, hence trying to do something against the fallen nature might be very hard to accomplish. In the light of this, earnestly beseeching the assistance of a divine entity is necessary to overcome to enticements that daily assail us.

Friday, 12 July 2013

How to Improve Communications in Your Relationship

The ability to communicate clearly is important in every relationship, but nowhere is it more important than between two people who are in a romantic partnership. Being able to communicate means far more than the two of you discussing the events of your day; it goes to talking about what you are thinking and feeling; what your hopes and dreams are, as well as your disappointments and sorrows. Though some people think that communication is the most natural thing in the world, it is actually a learned skill, and if both partners are not communicating it opens up your relationship to a host of problems.
Here are several important tools that can be used to improve your communications. Introduce one a week and watch how your relationship blossoms!
1. Work on being a good listener
Far too often when we are in an argument we are so intent on being heard that we don't stop and listen to the other person's point of view. Stop yourself and really listen to what your partner has to say. You may be surprised to find that it isn't what you think it is. One way or another, it will improve your discussion and understanding of each other.
2. Always be honest
Far too often people aren't completely honest with each other, and sometimes not even with themselves. If you want to communicate well with your partner it is essential that what you are saying is true; if you aren't being honest about your feelings then it is impossible for the other person to respond in a way that will meet your needs.
3. Keep your discussions in the present.
Any time that you start bringing up past arguments - just stop; what's past is past, has little to nothing to do with whatever is going on now and can only serve to muddy the waters and further inflame a situation. If an old problem is still unresolved, it's just a further indication that you need to improve your communication skills... but leave it where it is.
4. When you realize you're wrong, give in.
Far too often we get so passionate about our position in a heated discussion that when our partner makes a point that makes perfect sense and should represent the solution to the problem, we just keep fighting because we want to win so badly. Learn to recognize when it's time to hug and walk away.
Men speak a totally different language than us women, so how do you improve communications in your relationship? I'd like to introduce you to someone who can help you figure out how to improve communications in your relationship... TW Jackson. T Dub has helped over 100,000 couples in over 77 countries fix badly broken relationships and he can help you too! So, if you want to discover how to improve communications in your relationship .

Monday, 8 July 2013

The Ultimate Guide to Why Men Cheat

10 Explanations (yet surely not all) Just Why Men Betray The Women They Love
From a sexual standpoint, healthy adult men are likely to be most stimulated by visual enjoyment of women's body parts and sexual shows. Men in general also appear to have a larger psychological ability to engage in objectified, shadowy sexual experiences. This is the key reason why men enjoy pornography and strip clubs - settings that permit them to sexually objectify female body parts.
I am merely giving a few likely explanations of why men are unfaithful. It's what men are built for. It's a piece of their reproductive function. It is a by-product of extended life spans, more numbing careers, and too much labor. And it is an instinctive refusal to give up one's own need for the problematic and antiquated structure of marriage.
1. Men become miserable in a relationship. This most typical excuse for cheating usually sounds something like she's gained weight, nags all the time, and does not want to have sex any longer. What on earth is a guy to do? But in reality, no matter how rational infidelity may seem at the moment, having sex or affairs when unhappy with your spouse is a poor way to deal with relationship problems.
2. Unfaithful men may have spouses who cheat. Men also get revenge on their unfaithful wives, by having multiple relationships. Regardless of whether their wives are guilty, some men carry on with their tricks. This is mostly done by men who don't want to forgive their spouses.
3. Most men have had a gorgeous woman in fact come on to them. Just how we manage it depends on several factors, marital status presumably chief among them. Single? Great, hit it. Not single? You know what the answer should be, but do you possess the willpower? The sort of husband or boyfriend who gives into this type of enticement is often less experienced with women in spite of his being spoken for. Self-discipline is way overestimated.
4. Once you hit 40 or even 50, a man needs to know he still has game. An opportunity to get naked with a woman half his age isn't something to turn down - unless he's sure to get caught. If it's the babysitter, you had better add up the cost of half your stuff, since that's a likely price to pay.
5. He isn't who he appears to be. This man never meant to be monogamous, in spite of taking a vow or making a commitment. He doesn't have empathy for his wife, and he sees being faithful as something to work around rather than respect. His desire to get what he wants anytime he wants it supersedes the benefit he places on respect, intimacy, and partnership.
6. Every now and then in a long-term relationship, people let themselves go. Maybe she has gained a ton of weight, developed a drinking condition, or simply does not care anymore. The problem with familiarity is that you don't become aware of these things as they occur over time. Instead, you awaken one day and realize the creature sharing your house is a far cry from the girl you first spotted and lusted after. Yet again, for many men, it comes down to choosing between fixing a tricky problem or just chasing tail elsewhere.
7. A few men will turn to a new woman because they do not believe their efforts to bring home the bacon are respected. A rotten, shopaholic wife is enough to make an older man long for flower power, free love, and a simpler life.
8. Many guys remain aggressive throughout their lives. Conquest feels good. We need to be champions. What better way than by keeping a number of females happy.
9. Every so often you just have to break the rules. The stable husband and father checks out of the workplace, goes to a bar, and takes a day to blow things off. If that involves some strange, all the better.
10. He could be a sex or love addict. This man makes use of sexual fantasy and cravings as a means to calm demanding life tensions he sees difficult to tolerate. He uses sex and romantic passion to draw attention away from emotional emptiness and to stay away from uncomfortable feelings.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

The Ultimate Guide to Why Men Cheat


10 Explanations (yet surely not all) Just Why Men Betray The Women They Love
From a sexual standpoint, healthy adult men are likely to be most stimulated by visual enjoyment of women's body parts and sexual shows. Men in general also appear to have a larger psychological ability to engage in objectified, shadowy sexual experiences. This is the key reason why men enjoy pornography and strip clubs - settings that permit them to sexually objectify female body parts.
I am merely giving a few likely explanations of why men are unfaithful. It's what men are built for. It's a piece of their reproductive function. It is a by-product of extended life spans, more numbing careers, and too much labor. And it is an instinctive refusal to give up one's own need for the problematic and antiquated structure of marriage.
1. Men become miserable in a relationship. This most typical excuse for cheating usually sounds something like she's gained weight, nags all the time, and does not want to have sex any longer. What on earth is a guy to do? But in reality, no matter how rational infidelity may seem at the moment, having sex or affairs when unhappy with your spouse is a poor way to deal with relationship problems.
2. Unfaithful men may have spouses who cheat. Men also get revenge on their unfaithful wives, by having multiple relationships. Regardless of whether their wives are guilty, some men carry on with their tricks. This is mostly done by men who don't want to forgive their spouses.
3. Most men have had a gorgeous woman in fact come on to them. Just how we manage it depends on several factors, marital status presumably chief among them. Single? Great, hit it. Not single? You know what the answer should be, but do you possess the willpower? The sort of husband or boyfriend who gives into this type of enticement is often less experienced with women in spite of his being spoken for. Self-discipline is way overestimated.
4. Once you hit 40 or even 50, a man needs to know he still has game. An opportunity to get naked with a woman half his age isn't something to turn down - unless he's sure to get caught. If it's the babysitter, you had better add up the cost of half your stuff, since that's a likely price to pay.
5. He isn't who he appears to be. This man never meant to be monogamous, in spite of taking a vow or making a commitment. He doesn't have empathy for his wife, and he sees being faithful as something to work around rather than respect. His desire to get what he wants anytime he wants it supersedes the benefit he places on respect, intimacy, and partnership.
6. Every now and then in a long-term relationship, people let themselves go. Maybe she has gained a ton of weight, developed a drinking condition, or simply does not care anymore. The problem with familiarity is that you don't become aware of these things as they occur over time. Instead, you awaken one day and realize the creature sharing your house is a far cry from the girl you first spotted and lusted after. Yet again, for many men, it comes down to choosing between fixing a tricky problem or just chasing tail elsewhere.
7. A few men will turn to a new woman because they do not believe their efforts to bring home the bacon are respected. A rotten, shopaholic wife is enough to make an older man long for flower power, free love, and a simpler life.
8. Many guys remain aggressive throughout their lives. Conquest feels good. We need to be champions. What better way than by keeping a number of females happy.
9. Every so often you just have to break the rules. The stable husband and father checks out of the workplace, goes to a bar, and takes a day to blow things off. If that involves some strange, all the better.
10. He could be a sex or love addict. This man makes use of sexual fantasy and cravings as a means to calm demanding life tensions he sees difficult to tolerate. He uses sex and romantic passion to draw attention away from emotional emptiness and to stay away from uncomfortable feelings.

How To Make Her Want You

For those that are single and want to get a woman back to their place, you'll need to know more than just a few pickup lines. You'll need to find out what is going to make someone turn from friendly chatter to sexual attraction. Enticing her to come with you is a matter of playing a few notes correctly and making sure that you do not come across as too nice of a guy. The old saying that they finish last will haunt you if you believe that you're too "nice" in any way. Making sure that you're able to move past that initial chat will require you to act more confident than ever, because in the end, that's what's going to get you hitting the sheets fast.
First and foremost, when you're approaching a woman, you have to realize that they get hit on a lot. If they are used to guys coming on to them, then they already know the pickup lines and they can smell fear. Do not approach them with fear, instead, treat them with a certain respect and even if you're sweating like crazy and nervous, do not show it. You'll need to put on a poker face of confidence, because if you can get past the fact that you are falling head over heels or that you're infatuated with her looks, then you will go further than others. Steady confidence, will keep you going forward.
When you start to talk to her and things are going well, make sure that you pick up on any notes that would point towards wanting to leave. If you get the hint right, you'll be with her in the evening, but if you misstep or make a mistake in what she wants to do, you'll be alone. Picking up on these things is a matter of paying close attention to the signals she throws at you. If she's playing with her keys or she seems like she's had enough to drink, or is wondering about a cab, you need to step in, or else you'll miss the opportunity.
Aside from the raw sexual attraction, you'll need to smell good. Don't shower yourself in cologne, but make sure that you smell of a certain essence. Take the time to adopt a fragrance that is mild and make sure that you just have enough to make sure that she remembers you. Not only that, make sure that you're not too dressed up for any occasion, but rather neat and clean. Only you can decide what kind of girl you want, and with that knowledge, you'll need to dress for the moment. Clean, neat, and smelling good will lead you to the plate, but that initial confidence and swagger mentioned above will get you to her front door and inside.
The number one mistake you'll want to avoid in trying to pick up women is being too nice. Sure, be chivalrous, open doors, buy drinks, but do not apologize, or backtrack when you are talking or try to be overbearing. Being yourself works, but only if you're comfortable with your own skin.