The ability to communicate clearly is important in every relationship, but nowhere is it more important than between two people who are in a romantic partnership. Being able to communicate means far more than the two of you discussing the events of your day; it goes to talking about what you are thinking and feeling; what your hopes and dreams are, as well as your disappointments and sorrows. Though some people think that communication is the most natural thing in the world, it is actually a learned skill, and if both partners are not communicating it opens up your relationship to a host of problems.
Here are several important tools that can be used to improve your communications. Introduce one a week and watch how your relationship blossoms!
1. Work on being a good listener
Far too often when we are in an argument we are so intent on being heard that we don't stop and listen to the other person's point of view. Stop yourself and really listen to what your partner has to say. You may be surprised to find that it isn't what you think it is. One way or another, it will improve your discussion and understanding of each other.
2. Always be honest
Far too often people aren't completely honest with each other, and sometimes not even with themselves. If you want to communicate well with your partner it is essential that what you are saying is true; if you aren't being honest about your feelings then it is impossible for the other person to respond in a way that will meet your needs.
3. Keep your discussions in the present.
Any time that you start bringing up past arguments - just stop; what's past is past, has little to nothing to do with whatever is going on now and can only serve to muddy the waters and further inflame a situation. If an old problem is still unresolved, it's just a further indication that you need to improve your communication skills... but leave it where it is.
4. When you realize you're wrong, give in.
Far too often we get so passionate about our position in a heated discussion that when our partner makes a point that makes perfect sense and should represent the solution to the problem, we just keep fighting because we want to win so badly. Learn to recognize when it's time to hug and walk away.
Men speak a totally different language than us women, so how do you improve communications in your relationship? I'd like to introduce you to someone who can help you figure out how to improve communications in your relationship... TW Jackson. T Dub has helped over 100,000 couples in over 77 countries fix badly broken relationships and he can help you too! So, if you want to discover how to improve communications in your relationship .
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